Blue Pen Articles Blog


travel articles

Boosting Your Traffic with Travel Content

Take a deep dive into the top Google search trends of 2019 and you will no doubt notice a pattern. Many of the searches that people around the world typed into their search bar had to do with travel. Sports events like the Super Bowl and the World Cup are popular, and many of those […]



So you want to build a webpage that is well optimized in 2020. A noble goal, but an often confusing one. There is so much misinformation across the web about what constitutes good SEO and which techniques gain the most clicks. Luckily, the winning formula is a simple and effective one: you just need to […]

google bert algorithm


In October 2019, Google released what it has deemed the most important update it has provided in half a decade: the deep-learning algorithm BERT. BERT stands for “Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers,” but unless you have a strong tech background, that probably does not help you understand its importance. Essentially, BERT is a deep-learning algorithm […]

Recent Posts

Kitesurfing: More Than an Extreme Sports

Kitesurfing Benefits for Business You may be surprised to meet individuals who are on their stable businesses in a kitesurfing school. This sport is not only for the hippie nomad but for people with the usual grind in their daily lives in businesses. How can you benefit from kitesurfing? First, it improves mental health. With […]

What is an Authority Site?

There seems to be a constellation of terms when it comes to succeeding online or harnessing web’s power for your business. A term, rather novelty to most people is “authority site”. What is this? And why should we care to know about this type of site? A site that is characterized of its high quality […]

Why Content is Important to Google

Millions of blogs are published today, with more added every single day. The internet may have open doors to reach more customers and clients, but it also sprouts more and more competitions. Today, we compete globally. Google has evolved itself cleaning up the web space with sites and contents not worth of your time. Google […]