Blue Pen Articles Blog


travel articles

Boosting Your Traffic with Travel Content

Take a deep dive into the top Google search trends of 2019 and you will no doubt notice a pattern. Many of the searches that people around the world typed into their search bar had to do with travel. Sports events like the Super Bowl and the World Cup are popular, and many of those […]



So you want to build a webpage that is well optimized in 2020. A noble goal, but an often confusing one. There is so much misinformation across the web about what constitutes good SEO and which techniques gain the most clicks. Luckily, the winning formula is a simple and effective one: you just need to […]

google bert algorithm


In October 2019, Google released what it has deemed the most important update it has provided in half a decade: the deep-learning algorithm BERT. BERT stands for “Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers,” but unless you have a strong tech background, that probably does not help you understand its importance. Essentially, BERT is a deep-learning algorithm […]

Recent Posts

Cashing in on the Net: Internet Marketing Basics

Fast cash, anyone? Posts on how to make money online as fast as possible is common. So common, in fact, that they’re like mushrooms sprouting in a field – they’re practically everywhere.  And with understandably good reason. After all, who DOESN’T want to make $1,000 in a day? Or $3,000 in a month? And while it […]

Read These 5 Statements If You’re Doubting the Importance of Original Content

Whether you’re running a business or building a personal brand, the internet plays a vital role in your marketing activities. While regularly posting relevant articles on your blog will give an impression that you and your company are active, you also need to make sure that they are original as well. While not everyone is […]

7 Reasons Blue Pen Articles is the Best Content Provider You’ll Ever Have

Finding a content provider for your business may be easy, but working with the best one who you can trust to consistently deliver high-quality output isn’t. If you’re just looking for someone to add fresh content in your company website, you may opt for the writer offering the cheapest rate in content mills. But the […]

Blue Pen Articles Services

Are you looking for quality contents that people can connect to? Contents of diverse qualities are up for grabs in the fast-pace internet racket – We guarantee that! Getting hands on different qualities of contents is a piece of pie these days. Ofcourse there are applications for finest quality contents and also for cheap-rate poor […]

How to Write a Magazine Article

Writing a magazine article can be overwhelming particularly with today’s rise of online media. There is no easy way to retrieve facts and information or rewrite it as soon as it goes to the printing machine. However, seeing your name on the byline of the article is a gratifying reward. Whether you are writing for […]

The Importance of Original Content In Your Website for Google Ranking

The very first thing that every blogger or Webmaster has to do is the provide contents to a website. From articles to images or even videos, content is a fundamental part of a successful website. Supplying content to your site can be tedious. A 500-word article can take hours from writing, editing and the actual […]

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job We Want

Are you ready to join the workforce?  Job applicants dread the idea of sending hundreds of resumes and only get one or two interview invitations. With high volume of applicants, most recruiters only allow themselves less than a minute to check your application. If your resume is not thoroughly read, there is a slim chance […]

How to Write a College Application Essay

Going to college? An application essay seems like a dreadful requirement to most college applicants, but this shouldn’t be the case.  True, it is a crucial requisite as it can be the reason for your rejection. But with careful planning and information, you can nail your college application essay. With admission staff reading hundreds of […]

The Best Content with Blue Pen Articles

  Every business requires the best content to reach and maintain customers as well as stay on top of the game. Looking for content providers may look easy, but are you getting the best content? Are you tried of hiring one writer from another because you simply haven’t found the writer to entrust your content […]

The Power of Writing

Even with today’s digital world, writing is more than just encoding characters and typing words. Writing is putting down in words your thoughts, ideas, and feelings. The golden era of supreme writing and the significance of literary works and figures may no longer at par to those centuries ago, but writing is still a powerful […]