
Travel Content Ideas That Will Attract New Customers

Content is the bread and butter of any good digital marketing strategy. Gone are the days in which you could throw keyword-filled pages at Google in the hopes of “gaming the system” and boosting your rankings on search engine results pages. With the advent of Google’s BERT algorithm update and other machine learning AIs used by Google, the robots are getting smarter. Now, they can accurately gauge the quality of your website’s pages and will direct users to websites that will truly answer their questions and provide top-tier information.

That’s why you need high-quality travel content from professional content writers. If your website has subpar blog posts, resort articles, or other forms of content, you’re likely missing out on a good amount of potential clients (and therefore potential revenue).

Need some ideas on good travel content that will connect with readers and convert them into paying customers? Below is a small list that might suit your needs.

Picture Posts

A recent travel research whitepaper from AMP Agency reveals just how crucial images are when it comes to getting more people to book at your resort or hotel. The study shows that 84% of millennials say that they would book a trip based solely on the photos posted online by someone else. It’s not just the millennials, though. 73% of folks in other generations said the same thing.

What does that mean for you? It means there is truth in the old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Whatever travel content you decide to focus on, be sure to include plenty of photos to engage the eyes and imagination of potential clientele.

Food Restriction Information

Vegetarianism and veganism has been growing in recent years, according to the Economist. Combine that with more visibility for other dietary restrictions like gluten allergies, the Keto diet, and more, and you have a recipe for a simple, effective travel blog post.

Make a list of the best vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or other restaurants that cater to specific dietary needs. Not only does this provide the information many consumers need, but it shows that you care about creating the best atmosphere for all your customers. That kind of attitude does not go unnoticed.

Trip Themes

Another good way to show that your resort or hotel can accommodate your guests is to include information specifically geared toward trip types. Here are some examples:


  • Best hikes for solo adventurers near your resort
  • Top five family attractions in your city
  • Romantic getaway spots in the area
  • Restaurants that can accommodate large groups
  • Best spots for business gatherings/seminars

Not all vacations have the same purpose, so it pays to provide helpful tips to people visiting your city for all different reasons. Common trip themes or travel types include business trips, family vacations, anniversaries or similar romantic celebrations, church mission trips, school trips for education, etc. By tapping into all of those pools, you can bring in a wider clientele.

The final bit of advice when crafting high-quality travel or resort content is to leave it to the professionals. There are many writers who earn a living by writing travel articles that boost the sales numbers of clients all over the world. They know what it takes to attract users, climb the search engine results page rankings, and ultimately increase your profit.


travel articles