
4 Content Writing Tips to maximize your SEO efforts

High quality content can boost your SEO efforts in a lot of ways, but it’s not so simple to come up with articles that your readers will find entertaining and educational enough. Most people will simply bounce away after reading the first few paragraphs (if not just the first sentence), so keeping them engaged all the way through is critical. However, you should never forget about the importance of keeping your articles SEO-friendly. If no one can find them on Google, no one is going to read them!

Here are a few tips to write engaging content that is still SEO-friendly enough to rank pretty well on its own.

Evolve your keyword strategies

Back in the old days of SEO, keyword density was the king and everyone had its own “secret recipe.” Well, turns out we’re not in 2016 anymore, so things have changed. A lot. Natural distribution is now much more important that any keyword distribution tactic, and keyword stuffing is a risk you definitely want to avoid. Yet, a good keyword strategy is still very important, so our best advice is to research which ones are the other relevant or related keywords beforehand.

Title meta description optimization

Titles are important for your audience since they clearly explain what the article is about, so they must be catchy, concise and interesting. But they’re extremely important for SEO as well, as Google will use them to tag the most relevant keywords. Look at the title of this article, for example. It includes all that matters: Content writing, tips, SEO, and maximize. Same goes for the meta description. Google will draw from the first sentence to form the snippet, so make sure that it includes all the most important keywords you want to rank for.

Match your paragraphs with good headings

Headings have always been important, and things didn’t change much lately. Secondary and tertiary headings are used to let Google know what sub-topics you intend to cover in your article, and can be used to guide your readers through the content. They can also be used to draw your audience attention towards a specific part of your content body. People tend to skip through longer articles, and will often read only those paragraphs whose headings match with their interests. Use this knowledge wisely.

Take full advantage of internal links

Internal links are a great way to boost your internal traffic. You can use them to catch readers’ attention and tell them “if you want more info about this thing, click here.” They’re more useful than you think since when someone is curious about something they will use those links to move back and forth inside your site rather than making a different search on Google.  On top of that, they will also make your website more professional. If you have many pages about all the relevant sub-topics, you really are knowledgeable about your field, don’t you?